Student and looking for housing?

See our available objects here!

Find the perfect student housing with us

We have more than 5,000 beds in attractive locations such as Uppsala, Linköping, Stockholm, Umeå, Malmö, Växjö, Norrköping and Luleå. At Heimstaden you are welcome to apply for student housing as soon as you have registered to a course or a programme, which increases you chances of getting the most suitable housing for you.

We offer a wide range of student accommodation options, whether you prefer to live in a dorm room, in your own apartment or share a larger apartment with a friend, we have something to offer to you.

Find your student accommodation today!

Available housing for rent

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Register for free

You can register as a user with us when you have reached the age of 16. Your registration date is indicative of our choice of new tenant. You can register easily and for free in the link below.

Register here!

Our different types of accommodations

Below you can read some more about our various locations and types of accommodation. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

Dorm room

Are you looking for accommodation that is socially and friendly to your wallet? A dorm room might be just what you are looking for! In our dorm rooms you have a private toilet and shower, but kitchen and social premises are shared with like-minded people in the same dorm. Staying in a dorm maximizes the student life experience with new friendships and exciting experiences. And, for a dorm room you only pay 10 months’ rent per year.

Student apartment

Do you prefer your own apartment with a private kitchen/kitchenette? A student apartment might be the right option for you. A student apartment offers the possibility to create a place to study, relax, and spend time with friends on your own. We have various sizes of student apartments that all have a private toilette, shower, and kitchen/kitchenette.
Sharing a larger apartment with a friend: Do you prefer to stay with a friend or a partner? No problem, we also have larger apartments to offer, mainly 2-room apartments but also 3- and 4-room apartments. Check out available options at your preferred location!

En blond tjej sitter med svarta hörlurar vid köksbordet och skriver på sin laptop. I bakgrunden ser man två killar som sitter i en soffa i ett vardagsrum.

How to apply for student housing

See our step by step guide how to apply for a student housing. The first step is to create an account.
Are you missing a Swedish social security number? No problem, the system will auto-generate a social security number with 4 letters that replaces the last 4 digits of a Swedish social security number.

See our guide!
Ett vitt bord som det ligger en öppen bok på. En person sitter med armarna på bordet och skriver i en bok. Ovanför böckerna ser man en kopp te och ett skål med äpplen.

Common questions and answers

What is included in the rent?

Wifi, heating and water are included in most of our accommodations. Electricity and home insurance are paid for separately. As there are some variations, we advise you to pay extra attention to what is included in your chosen accommodation. Heating, water, and electricity are always included in the rent for dorm rooms as well as you only pay rent for 10 months per year.

Who is qualified for student accommodation at Heimstaden?

You must be 18 years of age or older and actively study 15 higher education credits or more per semester. Heimstaden carries out regular checks every semester to ensure that all residents meet the criterias.

When can I sign a rental contract for a student accommodation?

If you can demonstrate a registration notice you are welcome to sign a rental contract for student accommodation at Heimstaden. The notice period for our student accommodation varies between 2 to 3 months depending on location so we advise that you are certain that you will be accepted prior to signing a rental contract.

More Q&A’s are found here