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  3. Register without swedish personal number

Register without swedish personal number

I am looking to register so that i can search for an apartment. I have danish citizenship and live in copenhagen at the moment so i dont have a swedish personal nr. Is it possible to register without? On the registry page it still asks for a swedish personal nr even when i inform that i dont have one.

Skapad: 23 May, 2022, 22:50
  • Hi Midi,
    thank you for contacting us!

    There is an option for registration without swedish personnummer.

    In the first step you click "Jag vill registrera mig som sökande". In the next step you fill in your birthdate. (Format YYMMDD, for example, if you are born on the 21st of August 1994, type 940821)

    Then click the link we marked in yellow in the example below:

    The system will now automatically generate 4 letters instead of the swedish "last 4 digits". Save the information because this will be your login-ID.

    If you need further help, don’t hesitate to contact us again!

    Kind regards,

    Sanna - KundserviceBesvarad: 24 May, 2022, 07:14
    Uppdaterad: 5 June, 2024, 07:52
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