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Heimstadens HjälpCenter

  1. Forum
  2. In English
  3. How to apply for an apartment

How to apply for an apartment

To apply for an apartment you need to create an account in "Mina Sidor".

In the first step we ask whether you are a tenant with Heimstaden, or an applicant.
If you don't have a swedish personal number, please follow this guide: Register without swedish personal number

When you're logged in you can apply for available objects and follow the status of it. You can of course see all of our available apartments without being logged in.

In your My Pages you can request the type of apartment you are looking for and filter your search results according to your wishes. You can choose to subscribe to emails with matching apartments, so you're not missing out on anything.

Heimstaden KundserviceSkapad: 9 May, 2018, 11:56
Uppdaterad: 13 June, 2024, 08:12
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