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  3. How do I register without swedish social security number?

How do I register without swedish social security number?

Dear Mr, Mrs

I am looking for an apartment in Malmö but don't have my Swedish ID yet, and have some trouble registering on your website. I am working here for the coming two years.

Thank you very much in advance

LeonardSkapad: 10 September, 2024, 22:41
  • Hi Leonard!

    There is an option for registrering without a Swedish personal identity number.

    The first thing you need to enter when you register as an applicant is your personal identity number, if you don't have one you enter your date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD. (For example i you are born on the 28th of January 1999, type 19990128.)

    After this you click on the orange text in the picture below, where the arrow points.

    Once you click on the text the system will automatically generate 4 letters instead of the Swedish "last 4 digits". They will also be shown in the last step.

    Please note that you need to write down or memorize your number as we don't send it in the confirmation email when you registered.

    If you need further help, don’t hesitate to contact us again.

    Kind regards,

    Sanna - KundserviceBesvarad: 11 September, 2024, 07:19
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