Heimstadens HjälpCenter
Tips when moving in
There is much to consider when it’s time to move. Therefore, we have compiled a list that covers the most important things. Welcome to Heimstaden!
1. Report the change of address in good time
You need to register a change of your new address in good time (at least five working days) before the move. Please contact Skatteverket, either by letter or at www.skatteverket.se. Certain authorities will automatically receive your new address, for example
• Social Insurance
• Municipal administrations
• The County Council
• Tax Register
• Government personadressregistret (SPAR)
• Swedish Church
• Transport Agency
Remember that you must inform your new address to associations, insurance companies, banks, newspapers, friends and acquaintances, etc. You can also order a forwarding service of your mail from the old to the new address. Contact Svensk Adressändring for more information.
2. Move the electricity and telephone
When you move, you need to sign a contract for electricity at your new address, and cancel your old subscription to your previous address. Contact your electricity provider for more information about how to do so and when. You must also transfer your telephone and internet subscriptions. Contact your phone company and your internet provider for more information.
3. Make sure that your new apartment is undamaged and clean
Your new apartment should naturally be in good condition and properly cleaned when you move in. The apartment is always inspected before you move in, but there can still be deficiencies that have not been discovered. If you are not satisfied with something, it is important that you immediately get in touch with us, so that we can fix the problem. You can’t make a claim and get reimbursed for poor cleaning if you have cleaned the apartment after you moved in.
4. Check your keys
When you move in, you'll get a number of original keys to the apartment door, laundry room and other common areas. The keys are always stamped with a number. Make sure you got the right keys and the correct number of keys. Remember that you are responsible for the keys after you have received them.
5. Rent payment
The rent is paid monthly in advance and the invoice always has a due date set to the last weekday of the month. We send your invoices every month by post, Kivra or email. You can also choose to pay the rent through your internet bank with electronic invoicing or direct debit.
In your "My Pages" you can find more information about your rent/payments and your lease.
6. Parking
We offer parking spaces in many of our areas. You can find available parking spaces on our website or you may contact your local office for more information.
7. Sign a home insurance
Remember to sign a home insurance. All our new tenants will receive two months of free insurance from Trygg-Hansa. If you are a new tenant with us, you will receive a mail directly from Trygg-Hansa to continue the insurance agreement. If you already are a tenant of ours you can receive a discount equivalent to two months.