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Heimstadens HjälpCenter

  1. Forum
  2. In English
  3. How to apply for an apartment

How to apply for an apartment

To apply for an apartment you need to create an account on "Mina Sidor". Don't forget to click "no" in the box where we ask for Swedish personal number if you don't have any.
See the image below

The green box shows you the option for registration without swedish personnummer. Please fill in your birthdate in the field at the top. (Format YYMMDD, for example, if you are born on the 21st of august 1994, type 940821) Please note the blue box, where you’ll find our translation-tool.

If you already have an account, you can log in and make an inquiry. You can of course see all of our available apartments without being logged in.

In My Account you can request the type of apartment you are looking for and filter your search results according to your wishes. You can also see which homes you have previously applied and which homes are still pending.

Heimstaden KundserviceSkapad: 9 May, 2018, 11:56
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