A woman in a bright orange sweater is standing on a sunny balcony with lots of flowers.
Our promise

We care about you
- Friendly Homes

Heimstaden in a nutshell

As a leading residential real estate company, we offer long-term rentals throughout Europe with the vision of simplifying and enriching people’s lives through Friendly Homes.

One of the best things about renting an apartment is that it allows you to do the things you actually enjoy. No more time spent fixing things like a leaky tap or a broken washing machine. We’ll take care of all of that. So you can focus on what’s really important to you.

Our needs and circumstances change as we progress through life, particularly when it comes to how and where we live. From our childhood home, to student housing, through to building a family and perhaps even the desire to travel or relocate. Whoever you are and whatever your needs, we give you a little extra space to make any necessary changes in your life.

At Heimstaden, we value being in a position to contribute to society and growing in a responsible and sustainable way is a big part of that.

Like our evergreen approach to building, developing and managing sustainable, modern homes that people want to live in. For years to come. Like our collaboration projects with partners who share our values, where we combine our experience, knowledge and capital to create new opportunities that would not have been possible to achieve individually.

That is how we create long-term value for our shareholders, for our partners and for our employees. But most of all for our tenants and for society.

Friendly Homes

Our vision is to simplify and enhance the lives of our residents through Friendly Homes

Helge Krogsbøl
CO-Chief Executive Officer, Heimstaden

A value-driven organisation

At Heimstaden, we create value through the way we operate. It starts at home, with our company and our employees, and filters all the way out into our community, society and the world around us. Our values embody the heart and soul of Heimstaden and represent everything we believe in, now and in the future.

Our Strategy

To achieve our vision of friendly homes and meet our high ambitions, Heimstaden has defined a strategy and business model that guides the company to take significant steps and create value beyond the properties we manage.

Our business model enables us to realize our goals related to our strategic cornerstones: Quality Living for Customers, Society Contribution, Friendly Workplace, and Efficient and Innovative Operations. These cornerstones are crucial for the business and create clarity and direction in daily work along with our core values.


Our way of communicating and interacting with our tenants is a prerequisite for our vision of simplifying and enriching life through considerate living. Our philosophy is based on meeting the tenant in a professional and correct manner, while providing attractive housing and offering efficient and professional service. This is how we achieve considerate living.


We see ourselves as more than a residential property company; we are a societal actor. We work to make a difference and contribute solutions to today’s societal challenges – such as climate change, socio-economic disparities, and housing shortages. We aim to create value beyond our properties, and we succeed by offering an attractive living experience, creating safe and inclusive residential areas, and supporting individuals who are far from the housing market.


Heimstaden aims to be an employer that cares for its employees and creates a pleasant and inspiring workplace. With engaged employees, we succeed in delivering a living experience that exceeds expectations. Our workplace is characterized by openness with inspiring and inclusive leadership. We believe that success is created from within, where a considerate workplace lays the foundation for a successful business.


Heimstaden aims to be a top-tier residential property manager. By continuously developing our working methods and making our properties more efficient through the use of new and climate-smart technology, we set the standard for innovative and efficient management.


The vision of considerate living is based on our commercial success as a company. Without a business-driven property management with good profitability, we cannot ensure long-term quality for our tenants or make necessary improvements to our property portfolio. We believe that business benefits and societal benefits go hand in hand. Together with our institutional owners, we create long-term and sustainable management that benefits many.

Make Room

Our needs and circumstances change as we progress through life, particularly when it comes to how and where we live. From our childhood home, to student housing, through to building a family and perhaps even the desire to travel or relocate. Whoever you are and whatever your needs, we give you a little extra space to make any necessary changes in your life.

Our Make Room initiative is our way of communicating the vision we have for the Friendly Homes concept. It’s all about taking care of each other as well as the society in which we live. Being open about our challenges and sharing our experiences gives each of us the courage to make a difference.


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