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  3. What is a Schufaauskunft?

What is a Schufaauskunft?

What is a Schufaauskunft and why do I need it?

Heimstaden Germany TeamErstellt: 27 July, 2022, 11:11
  • The Schufa is a General Credit Protection Agency in Germany allowing companies to perform credit checks on their clients and individuals to seek information about their current credit status. The Schufa is a company that charges for every information issued. Every citizen and individual can obtain a free of charge statement of their current credit status once a year. For more information please see the official Schufa website.

    More information on required documents:
    Which documents do I have to submit for an apartment application?​​​
    Heimstaden Germany Team - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 27 July, 2022, 11:12

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