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Heimstadens hjelpesenter

  1. Forum
  2. In English
  3. What is required in order to rent an apartment from us?

What is required in order to rent an apartment from us?

We welcome all tenants with us, but have some requirements that must be fulfilled:

  1. You must be of legal age. If you have not reached the age of 18, your parents can be set up as responsible tenants.
  2. You must also have a Norwegian birth number or D-number in order to be a tenant. This is because it is required when establishing a rental guarantee or deposit account in the bank.
  3. Stable economy. We also make a credit assessment of the individual homeowner's ability to pay.
  4. We also encourage you to attach any certificates of previous tenancies, and confirmation that you are in permanent employment or a student.
See our available apartments here

We look forward to hearing from you.

KundeserviceOpprettet: 12 May, 2021, 18:32
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