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Heimstadens hjelpesenter

  1. Forum
  2. In English
  3. Rules regarding smoking

Rules regarding smoking

Smoking outdoors must take place in designated places or at a good distance from the entrance area, windows or the building in general. This is to safeguard the building's fire safety and living environment. Smoking indoors (in apartments and common areas such as entrances, laundry rooms, basements and garages) in Heimstaden's properties is strictly prohibited. The tenant will be charged for the costs incurred to remove any smoke odor and discoloration after the end of the tenancy.

In the non-smoking environments it is forbidden to:

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Use of e-cigarettes
  • Use of products that are similar to smoking but do not contain tobacco.
Remember that smoke can be perceived as disturbing. Cigarette waste are environmentally hazardous waste that must be disposed of in the right place and not on balconies, roofs or generally on the ground. If you experience discomfort or are disturbed by a neighbor who smokes, please send us a complaint in MyHome.

KundeserviceOpprettet: 12 May, 2021, 17:30
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