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  3. Why is Heimstaden only getting in touch with me now after the akelius deal?

Why is Heimstaden only getting in touch with me now after the akelius deal?

I read about the sale of the Akelius apartments to Heimstaden in the press at the end of September 2021. Why is Heimstaden only getting in touch with me now?

Heimstaden Germany TeamErstellt: 27 July, 2022, 11:34
  • Heimstaden signed the purchase contract at the end of September 2021, but there is usually a period of several months between the signing of the contract and the official purchase. Heimstaden has only been the official owner of the former Akelius apartments since December 1, 2021. No tenent data was shared with us before this date. For data protection reasons we were unfortunately not allowed to address you directly before the offical transfer of ownership.
    Heimstaden Germany Team - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 27 July, 2022, 11:36

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