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  3. Bill - Cost

Bill - Cost

Is your customer service free of charge or will we be billed after the service?

TorabiErstellt: 22 January, 2024, 20:35
  • Hello Torabi,

    In general, the service is free of charge, but if it is the tenant's fault, the tenant is responsible for the cost.
    There is also a minor repairs clause in the lease that states that the tenant must pay for minor repairs up to a certain amount.

    Greetings Nancy
    Nancy - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 23 January, 2024, 10:01
  • Hi,

    if the service amount shall be paid by the tenant, do you offer them the price for service before the job, and also how much does it take to send them an invoice?

    Best Regards,
    NikBeantwortet: 14 February, 2024, 08:20
  • Dear Nik,

    thank you for your inquiry.

    The price cannot be fixed in advance as the price depends on various factors.
    When an invoice is sent depends on the service provider commissioned and therefore cannot be stated with certainty.

    Greetings Nancy
    Nancy - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 14 February, 2024, 14:35
  • Thanks for your reply.
    How many days does it take usually to send the invoice?
    Also, How can We understand which services are free of charge and which should be paid by tenant?
    Does the service provider or Heimstaden inform the tenant before doing the service if the cost is on the tenant or on Heimstaden?
    NikBeantwortet: 14 February, 2024, 14:55
  • Dear Nik,

    As already mentioned, it depends on which service provider was commissioned.
    Each service provider sends its invoices at different times.

    Which repairs the tenant has to pay for himself is specified in the tenancy agreement.

    Greetings Nancy
    Nancy - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 14 February, 2024, 15:09

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