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  3. Are cellars and / or parking spaces part of the rental agreement for an apartment?

Are cellars and / or parking spaces part of the rental agreement for an apartment?

Are cellars and / or parking spaces part of the rental agreement for an apartment?

Heimstaden Germany TeamErstellt: 27 July, 2022, 12:04
  • No, Basement/Cellar and parking spaces must always be rented separately (if available).
    Heimstaden Germany Team - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 27 July, 2022, 12:04
  • Hello,
    I recently bought a car and want to rent a parking space. How much does it cost?
    And I also need a key to open the gates.
    I live in Lobeckstrasse 72, 10969 Berlin

    Beril Cetin
    Beril CetinBeantwortet: 14 March, 2023, 16:16
  • Dear Mr. Cetin,

    please contact us per email. Our email-adress is service@heimstaden.de.

    We will forward your request to the responsible colleague from the letting department.

    If there is a parking space open,they will contact you with all necessary information.

    Please understand, that an unused parkingspace can still have active contracts with other tenants.

    Elisa - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 15 March, 2023, 08:51

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