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  2. In English
  3. A letter regarding Hydraulischer Abgleich

A letter regarding Hydraulischer Abgleich

I received a letter that is about hydraulic balancing yesterday since I was out of 
town. Would it be possible to briefly explain about this service and what exactly should I do to sign off this plan? Seems we needed to sign off before Jan 31st.

Halim LeeErstellt: 7 February, 2023, 09:26
  • Hello,

    we are currently working on a Forum entry about the hydraulic balancing in english, it will most likely be posted until the end of next week. 

    I have forwarded your request to the property manager.

    You could also checkoutour contractors website to acquire further information:

    myWarm » myWarm

    It is only available in german but you might be able to translate the infos online.

    Elisa - KundenserviceBeantwortet: 10 February, 2023, 09:32

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